Hierdie boodskap het net na Ramaphosa se aankondiging dat die Inperking vir nog twee weke verleng gaan word die internet gehaal. Wynand se Kanaal https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5W1Yz1i7Cvh904MJvYiMmg
English summary: The past weekend’s conference was a massive success. The biggest topic was the cooperation between the civil and defense departments of the Noodplan (Emergency plan.) A big meet and greet as well as how to work together. A renewed positivity followed the conference. The culmination of 20 years of preparation. Even though we […]
Beeldmateriaal van die jaarlikse kruisplantdag by Ysterberg in Limpopo. Dankie aan almal wat so hard gewerk het om dit so 'n besonderse dag te maak.
Footage from the annual Planting of the Crosses at Ysterberg in Limpopo. Thank you to all the people that worked so hard to make this day so special.
Since politicians have been calling on people to "occupy the land" unrest in South Africa has increased remarkably. So too in the Western Cape where City Representatives have noticed a 73% increase in violent unrest. Things are moving in a certain direction and will not turn around.
Daar was op die 20ste Augustus 'n SL leiersvergadering in Silverton Pretoria gehou. Gustav Muller gee ons terugvoer oor wat by die vergadering gebeur het.
ANC lede is glo doelbewus besig om plase in die Kaap aan die brand te steek na ‘n rassistiese swart Facebook gebruiker ‘n oproep gemaak het vir aanvalle op Wit Boere in Kaapstad met vuurhoutjies – die pos is 2 weke oud en is nog steeds daar…
It's clear that the media is trying to convince the public to support a war against Iran. But it's more clear that their reasons given are dubious. If the media can lie about reasons for war they can lie about anything.
We get a lot of inquiries concerning property availability in areas that we would consider safer areas. It is becoming scarce. But, for those who are able. Here are a few options...